
92 Ergebnisse exportieren:
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Pichlhöfer O, Spiegel W. A Bias of Specialty Choice – Why did you become a Family Physician in Austria?. In Proceedings of the 14\textsuperscript{th} Regional Conference of Family Doctors (WONCA Europe) in Istanbul. 2008.
Bachler H., Fischer Ch., et al. 6. Aufl. Allgemeinmedizin, Leitfaden für Famulatur, AMPOL, KPJ und Turnus. 2016.
Croy C. Berufsperspektive Vertretungsarzt. Ärzte Krone; 2016.
Mann E, Meyer G. [Chemical restraints in nursing homes in the federal state Vorarlberg, Austria--an analysis of nursing home documentation according to legal obligation and suggestions for future improvement]. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2008;158(17-18):489-92.
Pichlhöfer O, Maier M, Badr-Eslam R, Ristl R, Zebrowska M, Lang IM. Clinical presentation and management of stable coronary artery disease in Austria. PLoS One [Internet]. 2017;12(4):e0176257.
Huter S, DeMaeseneer J, Stigler F. Community-oriented Primary Care in Austria: Status Quo and Prospects for the Future. Public Health School Graz. [Graz]: Medizinische Universität Graz; 2020. S. 67. PDF Icon huter_2020_copc_austria (1.53 MB)
Pichlhöfer O, Chang A, Blasche G. The comparative effects of a Buddhist meditation retreat and vacation on mindfulness and measures of well-being. In 2015.
Mann E, Meyer G, Haastert B, Icks A. Comparison of hip fracture incidence and trends between Germany and Austria 1995-2004: an epidemiological study. BMC Public Health. 2010;10:46.
Mann E, Nguyen N, Fleischer S, Meyer G. Compliance with trial registration in five core journals of clinical geriatrics: a survey of original publications on randomised controlled trials from 2008 to 2012. Age Ageing. 2014;43(6):872-6.
Mann E, Koller M, Mann C, van der Cammen T, Steurer J. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) in general practice: results from a pilot study in Vorarlberg, Austria. BMC Geriatr. 2004;4:4.
Reichardt B, Pichlhöfer O, Zehetmayer S, Maier M. [Current diagnosis of acute pharyngitis]. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2009;159(7-8):202-6.
